Our mission

Shaping the future of the workplace for 100 million people across the globe

We believe connecting talent with opportunity reduces hardship. We’re working towards a world free from financial stress, and where everyone has dignity and the freedom to choose their own path in life.

Diverse talent makes sense

Diversity boosts your results

Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on their executive teams are 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.

McKinsey & Company. Delivering through Diversity.

Remote makes sense

Companies that support remote work have a 25% lower employee turnover while increasing productivity by 22% compared to those working in-office

Time-to-Hire Efficiency

The average time-to-fill a position in Europe is 42 days. Leveraging a vetted network can expedite this process, ensuring companies secure top talent swiftly within 10 days from job posting.

Achieving Business Goals

80% of turnover can be attributed to bad hires. Conversely, with the right talent in place, companies are 1.5 times more likely to achieve their business objectives and report significantly higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Efficient Onboarding with Ready-to-Work Talent

Companies leveraging vetted candidates have seen a 50% reduction in onboarding time, allowing new hires to contribute value faster than ever.
Our impact

The Kaatch effect

We contribute to building a fairer society by fostering a global community where individuals and companies unite for mutual success, while empowering independent recruiters from anywhere to expand their business internationally effortlessly.

Supporting education

Enabling students to transition seamlessly into the workforce.

Building diverse teams

Strategic connection of talents from various backgrounds.

Empowering women in tech

Fostering an environment where their skills and talents thrive.

Generating financial stability

Helping people to secure sustainable income.

Reducing unemployment

Creating meaningful employment opportunities.

Providing hope

Opening doors to new possibilities for everyone.

Enabling students to transition seamlessly into the workforce.

Building diverse teams

Strategic connection of talents from various backgrounds.

Empowering women in tech

Fostering an environment where their skills and talents thrive.

Generating financial stability

Helping people to secure sustainable income.

Reducing unemployment

Creating meaningful employment opportunities.


Opening doors to new possibilities for everyone.